Office Hours: Monday & Thursday 17:00 - 21:00, Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00

+30 210 7239223

Vasilisis Sofias Ave. 35, Kolonaki, Athens

18 April 2018

Acupuncture: a safe treatment option in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a normal condition, but many times discomforts may appear that need to be treated...

1 June 2017

Stop smoking in pregnancy with acupuncture

If you want to get pregnant or you have got pregnant being a smoker, it is time stop it and prevent your fetus from carbon monoxide, nicotine and other harmful substances which are found among the more than 4000 chemical ingredients contained in cigarettes, some of which, intentionally, are used by tobacco companies t

1 June 2017

The benefits of Birthlight prenatal yoga: our experience

As an Obstetrician, my job is to follow up women through their pregnancies, to provide useful information in order for them to be aware, to prevent or treat any complication that might appear and finally, to help them give birth safely...

2 May 2016

Five facts about anemia in pregnancy

Anemia is a common condition in pregnancy due to the reduction in the number of red blood cells and their hemoglobin content...

7 November 2014

You are pregnant? Why don’t you do belly dance!

Belly dance or oriental dance, has a history of thousands of years...

20 August 2013

The visualization technique for relaxation in pregnancy and childbirth

Ιt is said that 20 minutes of relaxation is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep...