Read my articles about gynecology, obstetrics, holistic medicine, acupuncture.
Pregnancy is a normal condition, but many times discomforts may appear that need to be treated...
If you want to get pregnant or you have got pregnant being a smoker, it is time stop it and prevent your fetus from carbon monoxide, nicotine and other harmful
Premenstrual syndrome affects as much as 75% of women. These women are experiencing problems before the onset of the period, which may be psycho-emotional (depr
Hormonal fluctuations during menstrual cycle can act as triggers of migraine attacks. This may occur in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation and more often
Menopause for many women in different cultures is considered a positive transition to a stage of life free from pregnancy risk, menstrual period and premenstrua
Pain shortly before and during the period, or dysmenorrhoea, is due to painful cramps of the uterus...
In holistic obstetrics when all aspects of mind and body are in balance, then the positive outcome of pregnancy and childbirth is ensured.
In individualized gynecology, the subject of study, examination and treatment is the patient itself, as a whole and not the symptom. Priority is given to revealing the underlying cause of the disease, enhancing a more favorable lifestyle, and using complementary therapies.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique in which special needles are placed on superficial or deep tissues of the body or in specially selected sensitive or pressure-sensitive areas of the skin to treat functional reversible conditions, syndromes or symptoms.
Find out in which week of pregnancy you and when is your due date.
Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)